Are You Fighting For Your Relationship or Just Fighting?

The difference between healthy and unhealthy conflict If your partner turns everything into a fight, it’s a definite sign of emotional immaturity. Ask any math teacher if they’ve ever announced a test and had a student immediately get into a fight or throw a complete shit-fit and have to be removed from class. It’s aContinue reading “Are You Fighting For Your Relationship or Just Fighting?”

A Relationship Is Like A Garden

You don’t just get a garden. You work in a garden. A new relationship often feels like the garden of Eden. A bountiful cornucopia, overflowing with rapturous delights. “I have found the promised land!” you may say most emphatically. But after you ravage all the low-hanging fruit, it starts becoming a little more inconvenient. ItContinue reading “A Relationship Is Like A Garden”

6 Reasons Why New Sex is Magical

New sex. It’s like unwrapping a delicious present made of raw human experience. The excitement, the euphoria, the surging tides of hormones, and anticipation — it’s one of the most thrilling adventures that nature has to offer. No matter your age, weight, income, or anything else, new sex makes everybody’s leg shake. Properly done, it’ll make aContinue reading “6 Reasons Why New Sex is Magical”

Relationships Are Not Hard

Becoming a healthy partner is the hard part I bounced from one relationship to the next my whole life. “Relationships are hard,” I used to say. But what’s so hard about them? Being vulnerable? Stating my wants and needs? Fear of not being good enough? None of these things are inherently relationship problems. They haveContinue reading “Relationships Are Not Hard”

Dopamine Dumpster Diving

Millions of homeless people eat out of trash cans every day. It’s not ideal, but it keeps them sucking air. Likewise, humans have learned to survive on junk relationships and emotional scraps. No, it’s not healthy, but it meets their basic needs, and that’s good enough. Met Needs Don’t Inspire Growth If I was actually starving,Continue reading “Dopamine Dumpster Diving”